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Prosper Canada collaborates with policy makers, academics and frontline workers to build a base of evidence concerning strategies for action that empower low-income and vulnerable families.

The majority of our publications are provided in accessible formats. For publications that do not meet this requirement, an accessible format is available on request at

Ce rapport est une synthèse des expériences de 53 personnes à faibles revenus de tout le Canada en matière de déclaration d'impôts. Ce rapport s'adresse principalement aux décideurs politiques fédéraux, aux chercheurs et aux praticiens communautaires qui s'efforcent d'améliorer les taux de déclaration d'impôts et l'accès aux prestations des personnes à faibles revenus.
Ce rapport fournit un cadre conceptuel pour aider à clarifier les déterminants du bien-être financier, et identifie les obstacles, les besoins, les meilleures pratiques et les principes pour construire ensemble le bien-être financier des individus, des familles et des communautés autochtones.
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic EBO and WoodGreen Community Services explored alternative tax preparation service models to support their clients remotely. This process map provides an overview of the virtual self-file model that was designed.
This report analyzes the distribution, amount and composition of non-mortgage debt held by low- and moderate-income Canadian households and explores implications for federal and provincial/territorial government policy makers to consider as they develop and implement COVID-19 economic recovery plans and fulfill their respective regulatory roles.
This resource offers a set of common indicators that community organizations can use to measure the reach and impact of their financial empowerment (FE) programming. It is intended for any community organization that works to foster greater financial well-being for economically disadvantaged Canadians.
Continuing our work improving access to benefits for people on low incomes, we adapted the Benefit Screening Tool (BST) for use in the social and food security sectors. This report shares findings on the BST integration process including insights on staff and client experiences.
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