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1 October 2013
Author: Sean Muir
The Healthy Aboriginal Network (HAN) created The Game Plan, our financial literacy comic book. It’s about Jake, an 18 year old that is forced to learn the hard way that we are what we do in life, not what we own. The production of the comic was funded by the TD Financial Literacy Grant Fund.
11 April 2013
Author: Lynne Woolcott
For 10 years, the FAPS Program has worked with low-income people to address their financial issues, including financial literacy and exclusion.
6 March 2013
Author: Teena Gill
Filing a tax return is critical for low-income Canadians given that income tax and government benefits are inherently intertwined.
13 December 2012
Author: Natasha McKenna
Most financial information and retirement advice available is conceived with middle or higher-income Canadians in mind. When we look at retirement planning from a low-income perspective, however, we can see how mainstream information and advice doesn’t always apply and can actually be harmful to the overall well-being of Canadians approaching retirement age or already retired.
17 October 2012
Author: Peter Nares
The Great Recession of 2008 detonated an explosion of interest in financial literacy in most industrialized countries, including Canada. However, the force of the explosion in our country, at least at the federal level, has waned considerably since then.
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