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Webinar: Financial literacy & coaching outcome evaluation made easy

20 July 2016
Register for one of the following webinars to learn about a revolutionary new online evaluation question tool we're designing to help organizations measure the effectiveness of their financial literacy and coaching programs: 
August 8 12:00 p.m.–1:00 p.m. EDT
August 11 1:00 p.m.–2:00 p.m. EDT
Join Lilian Knorr and Salima Shariff from the Research and Evaluation team at Prosper Canada for an interactive one-hour webinar where they will share: 
  • Why the financial literacy and coaching evaluation tool is being developed
  • The importance of using shared measures; and
  • How the tool will help organizations evaluate program outcomes rigorously and with ease.
The presentation will be followed by a question and answer period. 
The financial literacy and coaching evaluation tool is a product of the Strengthening evaluation of financial literacy programs in Canada project funded by the Canadian Bankers Association and conducted in partnership with Prosper Canada and the Financial Consumer Agency of Canada. 
The financial literacy and coaching evaluation tool is a program evaluation support that will be available for public use. The tool will: 
  1. Provide users with evidence-based outcomes and questions;
  2. Enable users to select relevant outcomes and questions to support their evaluation plans for their specific programs.
Register Now

Please direct inquiries to:
Ayesha Umme-Jihad
416-665-2828 ext. 2247

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