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1 June 2022
Author: Allison Meserve
Dr. Meta Van Den Heuvel, a pediatrician at The Hospital for Sick Children (SickKids), learned about financial empowerment, including tax filing and access to benefits services, when previously working on a study about food insecurity. Dr. Van Den Heuvel, and her colleague, Dr. Catherine Birken, received funding from SickKids Foundation to look at food insecurity amongst families with children requiring inpatient hospital care. 
8 September 2021
Author: Wendy Abbott-Serroul
The Working Centre helps Nimaa, a single mother and newcomer to Canada, shed light on the unique financial challenges she experienced as an Arab woman and helps her secure benefits and financial support. Also, and importantly, they help her find the confidence to manage her own money and budget ensuring her future is brighter and full of possibility. 
16 December 2020
Author: Wendy Abbott-Serroul
Vancouver, like many cities across Canada is experiencing high rental rates and low apartment vacancies making it exceptionally challenging to find affordable housing. For those who now find themselves unemployed, the situation is even more precarious. Jennifer*, a Family Services of Greater Vancouver (FSGV) financial coaching client, found herself facing financial difficulties and the real risk of becoming homeless, she reached out to the free C19 Money Navigator service for help. 
29 October 2020
Author: Wendy Abbott-Serroul
There is no doubt that the ability to leverage innovative and useful tools such as Zoom, smart phones and other video platforms has ensured that during the pandemic, important meetings, relationships and support networks could be maintained. However, in our zeal to embrace technology and its ability to keep us connected we are reminded that, in some cases, this simply cannot replace, nor should it, the experience of being able to connect face-to-face. 
5 August 2020
Author: Paula Calderon
As a registered charity offering low-interest microloans to help skilled immigrants and refugees achieve career success in Canada, Windmill Microlending is not your traditional lender. The organization’s support to newcomers goes beyond offering loans. Windmill provides additional benefits to clients. Financial literacy is one of them.
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