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19 June 2017
Author: Tara Popovic
As the baby boomer generation heads into retirement many of them are finding themselves financially unprepared. As a result, many Canadians, including those living on low incomes, are turning to financial coaching programs to help them to achieve financial stability in retirement.
11 April 2013
Author: Lynne Woolcott
For 10 years, the FAPS Program has worked with low-income people to address their financial issues, including financial literacy and exclusion.
13 December 2012
Author: Natasha McKenna
Most financial information and retirement advice available is conceived with middle or higher-income Canadians in mind. When we look at retirement planning from a low-income perspective, however, we can see how mainstream information and advice doesn’t always apply and can actually be harmful to the overall well-being of Canadians approaching retirement age or already retired.
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