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Prosper Canada collaborates with policy makers, academics and frontline workers to build a base of evidence concerning strategies for action that empower low-income and vulnerable families.

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This book is a provocative collection of essays from Canadian and international scholars on the emerging topic of asset building as an approach to poverty alleviation and financial inclusion.
SEDI's early work in the area of self-employment was incorporated into Employment Insurance in 1992, making the Self-Employment Employment Benefits (SEB) program available to unemployed people across Canada. In Toronto, Human Resources and Skills Development Canada (HRSDC) contracted SEDI to administer the delivery of SEB. This report highlights the successes of SEB in Toronto from 1993 to 2005, when 90 per cent of the program participants started businesses, generating over $166 million in gross revenues – during the period each client was in the program.
This report describes the implementation of learn$ave , a demonstration project designed to test whether financial incentives can help low-income people improve their long-term economic prospects.
This paper is the result of an increasing concern that the growth in self-employment warrants the review of federal government policies and the development of a comprehensive national policy to address the needs of the growing number of self-employed Canadians
OSEDA was a consortium of nonprofits led by SEDI. With the support of the Ontario Trillium Foundation, OSEDA launched the Self-Sufficiency Through Self-Employment project in 1999. The consortium's mission was to provide self-employment services over a five-year period (1999-2004) to low-income people across Ontario. This is a report on the five-year project.
This report presents preliminary observations from the learn$ave pilot program. It is the first published report about the pilot, which had 4,827 people enrolled at 10 sites across Canada.
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